Guest Blogger Ceci Dadisman puts forward a new challenge to the field: Let’s dare to stop treating the art(s) as being so precious that we can’t talk about it like normal people.
Proving that the times really are a changin', curators and artists must now contend with a new question as they create and exhibit art—is it selfie-worthy?
The White House is proposing to cut all funding for the NEA, NEH, IMLS, and Corporation for Public Broadcasting. It's time to start using a values-based message to make the case for the arts.
National Geographic asks, “How can the act of photographing, of making a portrait and then describing another person’s journey, help us to connect and learn?”
Architectural photographer Klaud Frahm lifts the curtain on the fourth wall, sharing stunning scenes of the stage, shot from the perspective of the actors.