Joe Patti, blogger with Inside the Arts and champion of Creating Connection, recently shared Heck With Garage Bands, Rock The Porch!, a quick run-down of a growing trend in community arts programming—porch concerts.
Designed to bring folks out of their homes and in to their lawns, porch festivals are the perfect excuse to connect with your neighbors, get the kids dancing, experience something creative, and break down some of that isolation we can all feel in our busy rush-from-work-to-home-and-back-again lives.
Wanna know more?
PorchRokr Festival in Akron, Ohio seems to be on their game, having just coordinated more than “100 bands and performers, rocking 30 porches, on 12 streets, all in one day.” These rock stars even offered workshops for artists in advance--making sure everyone was ready to make the most of their experience.
Not in Akron? Not to worry.
There’s probably a porch fest near you. Check out a schedule of porch fests from Massachusetts to California and back again.