Our formative research into the intersection of public values and arts, culture, and creativity, identified that the American public believes that if they had more opportunity to express or experience creativity in their lives, they would be happier, healthier, and less stressed.
As you craft stories, messages, and programs that tap in to this benefit of WELLBEING, consider the following concepts that share how connecting through creative expression…
Reduces stress and helps us find balance
Boosts resilience, recovery, and healing
Fosters lifelong brain health
Energizes and recharges us
Reconnects us with ourselves and what’s most important in our lives
News you can use
A growing collection of studies, trends, and new ideas from the fields of art, creativity, health and wellbeing.
An interview with Keri Clifton details how story circles at her Minneapolis theatre are connecting residents to resources while bringing health stories to life.
How initiatives across the UK are tackling loneliness and what the arts can do to help
Eat healthy, exercise, and…express yourself creatively? If a new initiative in Montreal proves successful, a prescription for art may become a new standard medical practice.
A town in the U.K. is finding evidence that intentional efforts to build community and connection can be more potent than medicine in keeping you well.
How gardening is good for your health and why the creative sector should care.
How one Kentucky-based organization is proving that art can heal.
The dynamic Argentine dance improves your social life and can protect your brain from dementia.
New (and positive) data for the creative placemakers among us: creativity is proving critical to social wellbeing and health.
Whether you’re gluten free or gluten spree, it’s time to perfect that pie (and then share, please).
An Influencer in Aging on how the arts can improve the lives of older adults
Some much-needed good news: A recent study finds that creative expression in the classroom can help children living in poverty reduce stress and regulate emotions.
Why do we sing together? Research suggests that choral signing may be one of the most emotionally satisfying things you can do, and the chemistry behind it may even explain why our ancestors sang together.
New research from UC Berkeley suggests that art can boost your immune system. What’s still inconclusive is whether your boss will let you use sick leave for a visit to the museum.
Arts projects at a Minneapolis clinic created a natural connection between people who might not otherwise interact. The projects transformed the community clinic into a community hub: a home for creativity, collaboration, social connection, and joy.