Rethinking the invitation
Featherstone’s website went from being mostly informational to being more invitational. Now when you go to the home page you enter into a Featherstone class through videos and images showing you exactly what you can expect from your experience.
Celebrating local culture
Exhibits like “The Art of Boatbuilding” connected to the interests of many locals on the island who had never been to Featherstone, resulting in one of the highest and most diversely attended shows in the history of the Center.
Practicing inclusion
"The Beautiful Difference" exhibition featured 24 nationally and internationally renowned multigenerational African American artists and resulted in a significant increase in gallery attendance from the local black community on the island. Additional programming during the exhibition (lectures and a book signing) expanded the educational aspect of the show and offered an opportunity to provide rich cultural experiences to Islanders and visitors.
Testing co-creation
Fresh collaborations with educators and students of all ages resulted in several new projects that got more people involved in planning programs at Featherstone, including a new photography studio and after school programming, as well as an annual college scholarship award for graduates pursuing an arts degree.
Programming for wellbeing
The "Experiential Sound Series" represented a new collaboration and different type of program. These sound 'pop ups' offered audiences new experiences in listening. The series focused on well-being, was participatory for all attendees, and provided a new space for participants to connect.